Von der Waldorfkrippe in den Waldorfkindergarten. Ergebnisse einer quantitativen empirischen Untersuchung zu den Faktoren gelingender Übergänge
In Germany, there has been a sharp increase in childcare places for children under the age of three in the last ten years. In addition, a clear research desideratum regarding the transition from day nursery (under 3) to kindergarten (over 3) is to be stated, because so far only one empirical study can be determined. Furthermore, hardly any studies on pre-school Waldorf education can be found. Against this background, a master thesis at Alanus University Alfter used statistical methods to reveal factors that contribute to a successful crossing from a Waldorf day nursery to a Waldorf kindergarten in the experience of the involved professionals. It was possible to identify several factors that significantly enhance the quality experience of the transition: the interaction of the involved adults, both professionals and parents, proved to be the most outstanding condition overall. Likewise, the stress experience of the professionals as well as the individual approach to each child played a major role. Thus, direct recommendations for the pedagogical practice in Waldorf day care centers can be derived.Downloads
Empirical Research / Beiträge zur empirischen Forschung / Peer Reviewed Articles