Bildende Kunst an Waldorfschulen – quo vadis? Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie zu Stellenwert und Entwicklungsperspektiven des Faches Bildende Kunst aus der Sicht von Waldorflehrkräften
This study carried out for the Department of Visual Arts at the Freie Hochschule Stuttgart examines the importance of visual arts at Waldorf Schools based on a representative sample of N=115 Waldorf teachers. It was examined (1) what importance the pedagogical actors attribute to the subject, (2) how the subject is embedded in the main lessons with regard to time and content (3) to what extend the teachers orientate themselves on the developmentally curriculum for Waldorf schools, (4) how ‘visible’ the subject is at Waldorf schools and (5) how the study participants rate the value of their teacher training in Waldorf education within the subject visual arts. The research results show a decreasing importance of the subject. Various influencing factors could be identified: insufficient anchoring oft the subject referred to time and content in class, communication structures within the teaching staff and professional skills of class teachers (in particular concerning lesson content of the intermediate level). Based on the results of the study developmental prospects for school educational praxis and for Waldorf teacher education and training within the subject visual arts are derived.Downloads
Empirical Research / Beiträge zur empirischen Forschung / Peer Reviewed Articles